1996 Fall Computer Lab Schedule
Last updated: September 25, 1996
Exhibit Hall Hours:
Saturday, October 26 ........ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday, October 27 .......... 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday, October 28 ........... 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Computer Lab Faculty:
- Neel Ackerman, MD
- Mitchell J. Feldman, MD
- Dave Paperny, MD
- Mark Rosenberg, MD
- S. Andrew Spooner, MD
- Douglas Stetson, MD
- John Stey (from the National Library of Medicine)
- Stuart T. Weinberg, MD
- William A. Zurhellen, MD
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Didactic Sessions:
Saturday, October 26
- 12:00 N ---- 'National Library of Medicine Internet Resources'; J. Stey
- 1:00 pm ---- 'Selecting Practice Management Software'; W. Zurhellen
- 2:00 pm ---- 'Purchasing your Personal Computer - Where to Start'; S. Weinberg
- 3:00 pm ---- 'Getting On-Line: Options for Pediatricians'; N. Ackerman
Sunday, October 27
- 11:00 am --- 'Accessing the Internet - What Can You Get?'; D. Stetson
- 12:00 N ---- 'National Library of Medicine Internet Resources'; J. Stey
- 1:00 pm ---- 'Free On-Line Access - POL and the AAP'; M. Rosenberg
- 2:00 pm ---- 'Pediatric Decision Support on the Web'; M. Feldman
Monday, October 28
- 10:00 am --- 'Steps to Publishing on the World Wide Web'; A. Spooner
- 11:00 am --- 'Features of Effective Computer-Based Patient Records Systems'; D. Stetson
- 12:00 N ---- 'National Library of Medicine Internet Resources'; J. Stey
- 1:00 pm ---- 'Computer-Assisted Adolescent Preventive Care'; D. Paperny
- 2:00 pm ---- 'Free On-Line Access - POL and the AAP'; M. Rosenberg
- 3:00 pm ---- 'Selecting Practice Management Software'; W. Zurhellen
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