last updated: November 19, 1999 |
The nominating committee has been working hard looking for qualified people
to fill the following positions:
- Vice President of Development
- Treasurer
- AIC Rep
- 2 Nominating Committee Members
Below please find a brief overview of the positions as well as the candidates
and information about them.
Please read the information and vote. All votes must be received by
December 31, 1999 in order to count for the election.
Remember ACA is made up of you - please exercise your right to vote.
2000 Section Nominations
Nominees for Vice President of Development (vote for one)
- Jerry Duffie; Executive Director 4H Camp Ohio
- Debby Menzel; Assistant Executive Director of Girl Scouts of Heritage Trails Council
Nominees for Treasurer (vote for one)
- Aileen Blythe; Executive Director Girls Scouts Seal of Ohio Council
- Roger Cruiser; Executive Director Woodland Alters
Nominees for Association of Independent Camps (AIC) Representative (vote for one)
- Emily Devey; Owner Operator Falcon Camp
Nominees for Nominating Committee Members (vote for two)
- Cyndi Atkinson; Program Director 4H Camp Ohio
- Anne Brienza; Executive Director YMCA Willson Outdoor Center
- Ted Cobb; Executive Director Camp O'Bannon
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