Session Descriptions
Thursday, January 27, 2000
Fawcett Center - Columbus, Ohio
(map and directions)

KEYNOTE ADDRESS - 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Teaching Kids To Be The Leaders Of Their Own Lives
How do we know when we've been successful in our work with young people? One thing we say or do can change a life, and often we don't even know what happened. What happens when kids feel good about themselves? When they develop an inner sense of confidence and certainty? What happens when they become the leaders of their own lives? Through a series of stories and bits of collective wisdom, Jeffery will address these exciting questions, and more!
Jeffrey Leiken, MA
SESSION 1 - 10:45 AM to Noon
A-1 Building Rapport and Meaningful Relationships with Today's Youth
Kids listen to the adults who they feel understand them and whom they trust. Cultivating these qualities in relationships with your campers will vastly improve your ability to work with them, and minimize the difficulties of the job. Learn powerful nonverbal skills, as well as "what to say when" skills!
Jeffrey Leiken, MA
A-2 Whew! That was Close! Coaching Staff to be Risk Managers
This session presents strategies which move risk initiatives from orientation and into practice among camp staff. It recognizes that camps are interested in risk reduction but that camp staff are often not invested to the same level as management. It's time to change that!
Linda Ebner Erceg, RN, MS
A-3 Finding the Right Counselor to Pitch Your Tent
Learn the "smores" of interviewing - the do's and don'ts of finding the perfect candidate! How to pre-screen applications and conduct interviews, as well as the importance of background investigations will be discussed. Make sure what your organization is asking is legal. Tips on finding a counselor who is more than just a "tent peg!"
Carol W. Burchfield
A-4 Power Up Your Programs With Music...Song Leading
Good song leading does not just happen. It is a skill to be developed and practiced. The purpose of this session will be: 1. To demonstrate basic song leading techniques, 2. To share different types of songs that can be used effectively with a variety of audiences and programs, 3. To encourage the sharing of song leading skills with the next generation of song leaders, 4. To keep the fun in singing, even for those who do not yet know or believe that singing can be fun
This will very much be a "voice on" session with lots of participation by all of the participants. There will be opportunities to share songs, lead singing, and explore techniques that good song leaders employ successfully. Participants will have a great time singing, building their song leading "bag of tricks", and working up their courage to go home and lead what they have experienced. A great time is guaranteed!
William E. Henderson
Larry L. Hall
A-5 Board Selection & Utilization
Is your Board a Big Plus or a Big Bore? Who should serve & what should be on the agenda? Know the Who-What-When-Where of the Board Role.
Wm. L. Lyder
A-6 Constructing Community: Building Staff Communities Through Training & Ongoing Activities.
Participate in dynamic activities to build a sense of community and teamwork among your seasonal and year-round camp staff.
Cammie Mitchell
LUNCH - 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM
SESSION 2 - 1:45 PM to 3:00 PM
B-1 Motivate Staff To Take Their Role In Campers' Lives As Seriously As You Do!
One thing you say or do can change a child's life. Learn a powerfully effective Staff Training tool which effectively motivates and inspires young staff members to realize that being a Camp Counselor is much more than just a summer job!
Jeffrey Leiken, MA
B-2 Recruiting, Interviewing & Supervising Health Care Staff
This session discusses effective strategies for recruitment and retention of camp healthcare staff, provides an interview tool and a performance management tool specific to camp health staff, and recognizes that camp directors -- who generally are not healthcare professionals -- can still effectively work with their camp's healthcare staff.
Linda Ebner Erceg, RN, MS

B-3 The Risky Behavior of Not Recognizing Risk
Look at your camp's risk management strategies by reviewing insurance statistics, hotline issues, parent complaints and comments, and the newly revised ACA standards. Get a head start on your standards compliance for next summer!
Marge Scanlin
B-4 Games Leadership
Ever get caught with 20 minutes and nothing to do? If you don't think of something, the campers will. You might not like their ideas. This session will share dozens of games that require no pre-preparation of materials, space of players, and method of teaching games that requires no PA system. They are easy to manage and FUN too!
Dennis L. Elliott Ph.D.
B-5 Spectacular Special Events
Kim and Roberta will share successful special events of the past few years at their camps. They will facilitate a discussion on you can turn an idea into a special event, from initial idea & brainstorming to staff assignments on day of event.
Kim Brosnan
Roberta Grossman
B-6 Introduction to Trip Camping
This session will take you step by step through the basics about what it takes to begin or fine tune a trip camping experience. Come prepared to share and take in a variety of information on a variety of experiences.
Chuck Moritz, CCD
SESSION 3 - 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM
C-1 Customer Service at Camp - Just like Disney
From first impressions, complaint resolution, staff attitudes and much more all are all part of selling your program. Based on Tom Connellan book, Inside the Magic Kingdom, we will look at ways practical ways to implement the sevens keys to Disney’s success in your camp operation.
Craig Allen Greenlee
C-2 Training Mid-Level Camp Managers to Manage
This session is about coaching mid-level camp managers (head cooks, waterfront managers, unit heads, etc) to function as effective supervisors. At the heart of the session is discussion of five conferencing formats which camp directors can teach to these managers.
Linda Ebner Erceg, RN, MS
C-3 Building Assets and Character in Campers. What works?
In everyday language, what does the research say about building self-esteem in campers? How can we do a better job of definig what we want to accomplish in camp? What are the models camp directors should know about? Begin to develop outcomes for your camp program.
Marge Scanlin
C-4 Day Camp Challenges
Day Camp can be very different from resident camp. Transportation, campers returning all summer, competing with childcare make these programs especially confusing. Come to share and learn about dealing with these issues.
Chris Angellatta
C-5 Terrific, Tantalizing Themes!!
Themes, themes, themes! Explore the exciting world of themes for your Summer of 2000. Benji, Mike, and Amy will present many fun and exciting themes to make your sessions spectacular--such as Wild Wild West Week, Space Exploration Week, Nature's Wonders, Carnival Week, and many others. Themes will be explored as well as activities that fit into the themes. Bring your idea to share for a creative brainstorming process. Come join us for a fun time!
Benji Sayre
Mike McGinty
Amy Krehbiel