Tuesday, October 12, 1999
YMCA Willson Outdoor Center
(click here for a map)

Welcome to the on-line schedule of the 1999 Fall Meeting of the ACA's Ohio Section! The day's activities are as follows:

"Outside the Box - Challenges and Opportunities Beyond Summer Camp"
(updated September 30, 1999)

9:00 AM Registration
9:30 AM
Welcome and Keynote - Christine L. Parker; Camp Consultant - Marketing
10:45 AM
12:00 N
A. Determining Your Target Audience
Christine L. Parker; Camp Consultant - Marketing
Dining Hall Back
If you build it, will they come? Probably not - unless you know WHO you're building it for, WHAT they want, WHY they want it, and HOW MUCH they will pay for it. Learn how to determine which groups are worth your time, talents, and marketing dollars.
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B. Food Service for Outdoor Education to Corporate
Terry Allen; Food Service Director; YMCA Camp Y-Noah
Dining Hall Front
Terry will be speaking on a variety of topics within the Food Service realm.
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C. Snippets from "More You Ever Imagined in Nature Education for Camps:
A Camp Staff Naturalist Conference"

Tina Milenovic; OSU Extension Associate
Individuals will participate in activities that were included in the Spring naturalist's conference. This will be a fun, hands-on learning experience to learn new activities and glean ideas that can be immediately applied to enrich and energize your camp's nature education efforts.
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D. Maintenance - The Best Job in Camp!
Kim Casady; Properties Director; YMCA Willson Outdoor Center
Critter Room
Hints, helps, and what to avoid as you walk the path of camp maintenance.
12:15 PM
1:45 PM
Lunch and Business Meeting
2:00 PM
3:15 PM
A. Marketing - A Round Table Discussion
Christine L. Parker; Camp Consultant - Marketing
Dining Hall Back
Come join Christine in a round table discussion about various marketing questions you might have as well as tips of the marketing trade.
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B. Incorporating New Standards
Myra Jamison, Aileen Blyth, Denny Elliott, & Jerry Duffie; Standards Instructors
Dining Hall Front
General discussion on new standards and converting old to new; how former SAP camps can meet accreditation; how problems encountered during visits this summer were resolved. Will do one on one consulting.
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C. Little Things Mean ALOT
Kim Brosnan, CYO and Anne Weinberg, Camp Consultant
Come learn and share "Little Things Mean ALOT" - things you can do at little or no cost to make groups happy. Kim & Anne will share ideas that have worked. A handout with a starting list of ideas will be provided.
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D.Adventure Education: Ropes Course Round Table
Ted Cobb; Executive Director; Camp O'Bannon
Critter Room
At last January's meeting, we had the beginnings of a spirited and exciting discussion from a large number of camps operating high ropes facilities. there was a tremendous interest in sharing resources, ideas, and experiences. LET'S make it happen! Be willing to share. We hope this session will be an education for all involved and the beginning of a network of shared resources.
3:30 PM Departure or optional Willson tour.

Cost to ACA members will be $10.00 - Non-members $15.00
Registrations postmarked after October 1 will be $20.00
Please note that if you have e-mail your confirmation will come by e-mail.