Dear ACA Members: The time has once again come to elect your representatives to the American Camping Association Ohio Section Board of Directors. The Board is made up of both elected and appointed camping professionals that will represent you for a three-year period. The Ohio Section would not be what it is today if it were not for the dedication of time and talent by the individuals of our section. In the future when you are called and asked to be a part of the Board, please volunteer enthusiastically! Your help is always needed. This year we will be electing individuals to the position of Nominating Committee Chairperson, Religiously Affiliated Camps, Day Camps, and Nominating Committee. We will be electing two individuals to the Nominating Committee, and one to each of the other positions. Election results will be announced at the Section's Annual Meeting January 28, 1999. Please contact the Section if you have not yet received a ballot, which needs to be returned by January 4, 1999. Also at the Annual Meeting the Section will be voting on the following change to the By-Laws. This change is recommended by the Section Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the Ohio Section Legal Counsel in their review of our bylaws. The bold words below are the insertion to the bylaws: Section 8: The Section Executive shall serve as an Ex-Officio, without vote to the Board.
1999 Section NominationsNominating Committee Chairperson Candidates (vote for one)