9:00 AM |
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Registration, Meet the Vendors |
9:35 AM |
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Welcome & Keynote by Bob Ditter: Can You Hear Me Now? Partnering with Parents - Bob Ditter is a child, adolescent and family therapist from Boston who works extensively with organizations that work with young people. He has authored three books for camp professionals, produced 5 training videos and has recently released a "Pocket Guide for Counselors." He is best known in camp circles as the author of the popular column, "In the Trenches,' which appears regularly in Camping Magazine.
"My child never does that at home! There must be something you’re doing wrong!" If you’ve ever heard a parent utter these words during the summer, you need to hear this presentation! "I don’t care about this character stuff—I just want my child to be happy!" Parents seem increasingly to micro-manage their child's lives, position themselves as their children's "friends," rather than authorities and want to put their children in a bubble to protect them from any harm, set back or disappointment. Come find out what’s behind these trends and learn not only how to respond to challenging situations but also to improve your relations with parents overall.
10:45 AM |
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ALL DAY – Special Program Project Wild (ODNR);
Mary Beth E. King - Project Wild – Widely used conversation and environmental education program for kindergarteners through high schoolers. The activities found in Project WILD instructional materials are intended for use in both classroom and informal settings. The instructional materials are designed to support state and national academic standards appropriate for grades K-12. After attending this all day workshop you will walk away with the curriculum to use these activities with youth.
Fairfield |
10:45 AM |
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A1 - Healthy Choices;
Myra Pravda;
Niki Nestor McNeely - This session will focus on strategies to incorporate healthy practices and creative activities into the camp program. Discussion will focus on healthy food choices, physical activity, and other activities of daily living. Use these healthy practices to help campers and camp families see the value of camp.
Franklin |
10:45 AM |
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A2 - It's A Sing Thing;
Larry L. Hall - Music programming can add to many types of events. Learn how to use simple songs and movement to engage groups while having fun. Ability to sing is not a prerequisite.
Hamilton |
10:45 AM |
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A3 - What's Your Next Move with Parents?;
Bob B. Ditter - Using true to life situations with camper parents put into practice techniques discussed in the keynote address.
Alumni Lounge |
10:45 AM |
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A4 - Working Through Discipline Situations with Staff and Campers;
Anne Brienza;
Dan Reynolds - Concentrating on both traditional and special needs campers, Anne and Dan will cover a variety of discipline techniques for both directors and staff to improve the overall camp environment this summer.
Hancock |
10:45 AM |
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A5 - Half Time Pep Talks – Ideas for Motivating Summer Staff;
Rich G. Garbinsky - Avoid Burnout! Motivating staff begins before campers ever set foot in camp. This session provides ideas to keep staff motivated from the beginning to the end of the summer. Come prepared to share your ideas.
Harrison |
10:45 AM |
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A6 - Group Purchasing 101 for the Kitchen;
Paul Richardson - As you order food and supplies from your supplier, there are ways to save money and continue to offer excellent food service to your guests. This workshop will be a primarily non-commercial presentation about what people should expect from their group purchasing program.
Delaware |
12:10 PM |
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Lunch and ACA Ohio Section Business Meeting |
2:00 PM |
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B1 - What's Your Next Move with Campers?;
Bob B. Ditter - Using true to life situations with campers learn best practices to effectively work with the campers!
Alumni Lounge |
2:00 PM |
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B2 - Got A Minute?;
Anne T. Weinberg - Not sure what to do during that transition time? How about playing a name game, an icebreaker, or a filler? Things like Peek-A-Who, Johnny Whoops, and Zip Zap Zoom. Come play and learn as many as possible in the session.
Hamilton |
2:00 PM |
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B3 - Are You Ethically Fit? Practice Ethical Fitness & Avoid Problems Before They Hap;
Susan E. Yoder - What is "ethical fitness" and why should I care? We will use actual case studies from camps around the country to increase our "ethical fitness" in dealing with camp families and staff. You'll walk away with activities and templates to use with your staff. The case studies will come from ACA Crisis Hotline calls and parent complaints filed with ACA
Harrison |
2:00 PM |
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B4 - Enhance Your Teaching and Training Skills;
Niki Nestor McNeely - Are the campers really learning while they are having fun? Participants will become familiar with the experiential learning process and the kinds of questions to ask to motivate campers to explore, process, and apply information beyond their time at camp.
Hancock |
2:00 PM |
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B5 - HR Issues and Best Practices;
Lori M. Leist - As you begin to recruit, interview and hire staff for next summer, now is the time to be sure your human resources are cared for the best possible way. Come and explore the essential components of hiring, paying, evaluating staff from an HR perspective. Come with questions!
Franklin |
2:00 PM |
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B6 - What Camps Need to Know About the New Food Guide Pyramid;
Lee Wolf James - Where do s'mores fit into the new food pyramid? Join this workshop and learn about the updated pyramid and how camps can serve healthy well-balanced meals.
Delaware |
3:30 PM |
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C1 - Build Up Teens, Grow Your Own Staff;
Elizabeth M. Cochran - At Camp Ernst, our teen program has grown enormously in the past 10 years, as we have begun to think of our staffing as a program in itself. This session will detail our programs and philosophies as well as offer participants an opportunity to share their trials and successes in the world of teen programming.
Harrison |
3:30 PM |
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C2 - Making History Come Alive;
Dr. Kenneth C. Keene - Delve into the history of Ohio from the perspective of the Native Americans and early settlers. Learn how to implement living history in summer camp and outdoor education. Meet characters like Obidiah Scruggs and Chief Rising Sun.
Hamilton |
3:30 PM |
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C3 - Trailblazing: A Clear Cut Path to Implementing Wayfinding Sign Systems for Camp;
Cathy Fromet;
Nancy K. Nozik, AIA - Effective systems project a higher level of professionalism and safety, imparting confidence in those navigating your sites and facilities. This session will “walk you through” the development of an effective sign program for your camp or retreat center.
Hancock |
3:30 PM |
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C4 - Do You Have A Health Center Manual?;
Myra Pravda - Help your Health Center operate smoothly from one year to the next. Create a Health Center Manual. Learn, why, how, and what should be included in this important reference.
Franklin |
3:30 PM |
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C5 - Staff Training Round Table;
Patrick Smith;
Jeff Merhige;
Maggie D. King - Round table discussion on staff training best practices. Discuss how to include the "have to's" and the "want to's" to achieve desired outcomes. Attendees should bring their staff training materials to share with the group. Bring a flash drive and go home with loads of resources.
Alumni Lounge |
3:30 PM |
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C6 - Improve Your Food Service - This session will deal with food quality, camper friendly food ideas, low cost meals, preparation tips, cleaning tips, special dietary needs of campers and much more.
Delaware |
4:45 PM |
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Appetizers, Raffle, Visit with Vendors & Social Time |