A Dayton, Ohio YMCA youth director once wrote in a 1915
camp report:
More of permanent value can be accomplished with a week in camp
with a boy than months of casual contact. The existence of
organized camping for well over 100 years has repeatedly demonstrated
the undeniable truth of this statement.
It's a tremendous pleasure for me to be able to assist ACA Ohio
with developing a web site that can communicate the benefits of camping and
the dedicated work of camp professionals with interested parents,
potential campers and staff members, and other camping enthusiasts. The
American Camp Association strives to promote the highest standards in
camping to ensure the best opportunities for quality camping experiences.
The current goal of this website is to provide a service to several
different audiences:
- Parents and Prospective Campers
Information on Ohio camps is provided through ACA Ohio's office
and through various camp fairs that occur from January thru March.
On-line schedules of these camp fairs plus links to valuable parent
resources at the American Camp Association's national web site
will be maintained and updated.
- Prospective Camp Staff
In addition to the camp fairs for parents and prospective campers, there
are job fairs held at colleges and universities throughout the state
for individuals interested in summer camp jobs. The American Camp
Association also has helpful information on finding camp jobs - both
seasonal and professional. On-line information and helpful links will
be maintained.
- Ohio Camp Professionals
ACA Ohio is very active in trying to provide valuable
educational resources and up-to-date information to camping
professionals. Information and registration for educational meetings will
be available on-line, as are reports from the ACA Ohio leadership,
including standards and legislative information.
- Historical Archives
Web sites in general offer the opportunity to maintain an on-line
digital archive of past activities. Each year's calendar of events,
board of directors, educational activities, reports and other on-line resources
will be saved and available for review. Tributes and special awards/honors
will also be documented on-line.
Most importantly, this website should be responsive and sensitive to the
information needs of the people who are browsing through. If you have some
specific suggestions on improvements for this site, please feel free to
e-mail me at webmaster@acaohio.org
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Stuart Weinberg